Establishing trust has become even more important in a world with myriad possibilities to connect with each other. In this blog post I want to share with you the 5 best ways to establish trust in our new highly connected world.
1) Use different platforms with the same person
Different platforms will show different sides of your personality.
Facebook is rather used on a personal level showing your hobbies, your family background and your preferences regarding this world. XING or LinkedIn will give a deeper insight into your professional career and your areas of expertise. Twitter can be used to keep your audience engaged with new and useful information.
2) Make your new contacts feel special
Do not use copy pasted messages, people will get annoyed by such practices. Keep it short and personal. Better to do some research on the person concerned than blindly contacting everyone who comes in front of your mouse.
3) Use your blog to feed the social media platforms
You can use your blog to feed the social media platforms. This will show that you are an expert in your field and will also help to keep Facebook, XING, LinkedIn, Twitter etc. updated.
4) Follow the companies behind the person
Before you can establish a meaningful business relationship with a company you want to know about the current state and news about the company. This is best done by following their company profiles on the different social media platforms. You will then automatically be updated about their current projects.
5) Mutually beneficial information
To bring more sense into the information you distribute via your network use information which can be useful to yourself, your employees and your business partners.
Establishing trust is an important part in doing business on a sustained, meaningful and successful manner. Using social media can help establishing, not all but some of, that trust. What’s your opinion about the topic of establishing trust through social media networks? I will be happy to exchange ideas and suggestions regarding this.
The author is the CEO of YUHIRO which is a specialist in providing enterprises with software developers in its premises in India. You can reach him via
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