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How to drive traffic to your Website !
Driving relevant traffic to your own website has become increasingly important. Through high traffic you achieve a lot of things. Most and foremost is that potential clients can find out more about your service and might subscribe to it.
In this article you will find 9 effective ways on how to drive traffic to your Webpage.
Way 1: Blogging
This is a very effective way of driving traffic. When you start writing about your service or your field of engagement there will be different effects which will start to happen.
You are educating customers
Selling is out. Educating is in. Try to educate your readers on the best ways of using your product or service. Help them also with related topics.
Reflecting on the work done
As soon as you have done something in your business you can reflect in a blog post what you have done.
This will make you more aware of the work procedure you have just undertaken.
Educate and inform employees
Important news and information regarding company culture and strategy can be distributed through the blog.
Feed other channels with the news
The blog posts can be distributed in different social media networks and other channels (Newsletter, E-mail, etc.).
Show that you are an expert
People want to get into contact with experts on a specific subject matter. A strong blog on your topic shows potential clients that you are an expert in your field
Get found in search engines
After having a number of blog posts on your blog you will find out that more and more visitors will find you through search engines.
Way 2: Forums
Join expert forums to become an expert
There are many forums which are visited by experts and potential clients alike. It makes sense to take active part in the discussions there. After a number of posts in the expert forum you will start to stand out as an expert.
Distribute your blog links to your website
When you have blogged about a certain topic you can post a message and a link in the relevant expert forums. This will have the effect that the forum members will click the link to read the message. If your blog and website are interesting, then the reader might want to find out more and might even become a potential client for your product or service.
Forum posts rank high in search engines
If the post in the forum is visited and commented on a lot, then the topic of the post will rank high in search engines.
Concentrate on only two or three expert forums
To be recognized as an expert you should be found on several topics and posts in that specific forum.
Therefore it is important to be member only in a small number of forums. Writing in too many forums will make your efforts less visible.
Way 3: Launch contests, surveys and polls
Give a small prize to the winner of a contest you host on your website. It will most probably draw visitors.
The survey should be in a way that once it is filled out it can be redirected to the responders of the survey. That way they will have an interest to fill out the survey. The participators with the survey will also check back with your website as they might find out about the progress of the survey.
If the poll is interesting to the reader, he or she will definitely take part in it. This can be a very good driver for web traffic. The Polls can be placed in different forums so as to get a more relevant survey result. The same effect as in the surveys will also appear here. The poll participants will want to know about the results of the poll and check back with your website.
Way 4: Make it easy for the visitors to subscribe
To get a large reader base for your website and blog you should make it easy for the visitors to subscribe. There are several ways to do this.
Usually there will be two fields, one with the Name and the other with the E-Mail address. Once filled out by the web visitor he will start receiving E-mails regarding information from the blog on a regular basis. Here a lot of website owners give an incentive like „for-free“-reading material if the newsletter is subscribed to. Tools like wysija make it very easy to create a newsletter program of ones own.
Social Media Bar
Here there will be a side- or top bar which will list the different social media networks. This will help the reader to like the website or the blog post. As different readers have different preferences for social media networks, it is important to give the appropriate choices on the social media bar.
Share Button
In the social media bar or in the commenting section there should be a share button, which helps to share the content with his or her friends or social media connections. This is pretty important as it will multiply the impressions of the link of your website.
Commenting area
The comments area is oftentimes not used that much. It should be somehow promoted so that people start interacting with the blog and the other readers.
Blog feed
Some readers prefer to subscribe to the blog feed. For that it should be easily understandable how to do so.
Way 5: Learn from Jeff Bullas on Social Media
Jeff Bullas is one of the best resources for getting information on building your follower base in the social media networks. You can find him on several social media networks including Facebook.
Way 6: Get found on Google and the other search engines
Use WordPress for better search engine optimization
For small time website owners it is hard to spend money on search engine optimization also called SEO.
Therefore it is a good idea to use WordPress for the own website. WordPress blogs are known to rank high in search engines especially in Google.
Use relevant words in your text
Before you write texts, think for a minute about the keywords you want to be found for in the different search engines.
Use the different HTML-Tags H1 H2 H3
The Html header tags are very important. Google ranks keywords within the title tag very high. So also think about which keywords you are going to use within the title tag.
If you use WordPress, use SEO plug-in’s
There are several plug-in’s which can greatly increase your visibility on search engines.
Way 7: Public relation stunts
The biggest driver for web traffic is PR activities.
Get into relevant offline- and online magazines
Try to get into magazines which are reporting on your specific area. The likelihood is higher that the authors will accept an article by you if you write about their field of specialization.
If your are going for news magazines, aim for the large ones
If you are trying to get into newspapers it would make more sense to get into large magazines with a large reader base. This will ensure that there will be a number of people within that reader base which could become very interested in your article because they might need your product or service.
Way 8: Facebook pages
Well done and designed pages with interesting content will be shared quickly among friends. For this the Facebook page should fulfill some criteria:
Original and interesting content
The Facebook page should not only be a newsfeed for your blog. It should also contain pictures, links and video material if possible. This will increase the chances that the page is „liked“ and the content shared.
Its not about you, it’s about the Facebook page visitor
The Facebook page visitor should have a reason to subscribe to your feed (by like-ing your page). This can only be achieved if the visitor feels that he will gain personally from like-ing the page. This could be in the form that others will appreciate the subscriber in that they will think he is for e.g. funny, knowledgeable, important, an expert.
Also the subscriber to the Facebook page should be interested to gain information on his Facebook board on a regular basis. It should help him for e.g. to gain knowledge, keep up to date with the latest news in his field of expertise, to be entertained.
Way 9: Read books, online articles and relevant magazines on how to drive traffic
Driving traffic to ones own website is a large topic. This blog post can only give you some hints on how to achieve a large reader base for your website and blog.
How do you drive traffic to your website?
YUHIRO is a German-Indian software company which provides dedicated software developers to companies in Europe. It also has project teams which work on fixed priced projects. If you want to know more on the different options for software development. Please feel free to contact us at info@yuhiro.de or call us through our service number.
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